Contact Us

For information on Beacon Trust investment offerings and to find a sales representative in your area:

Beacon FSA Inc., Financial Services Agent to Beacon Trust and a member of Beacon Trust Group:

t: (905) 639-3173

e:  [email protected]


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    The material presented in this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell securities. An offer can only be made through the current version of the applicable Beacon Trust offering documents provided to prospective purchasers by an approved representative. This website information is inherently limited in scope and does not contain all of the applicable terms, conditions, limitations, risks and exclusions of the investments described herein. Prospective Beacon Trust purchasers should read and understand the current version of the pertinent Beacon Trust offering documents if applicable, and receive professional investment and tax advice before considering investing in this security. The information presented in this website is believed to be reliable, however, no representation, warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, may be made as to the accuracy or reliability of this information. Information in the website may change without notice. The Beacon Trust offerings may be subject to potential risks associated with the investment, including market, liquidity, forward-looking statements and investment return risk. Past performance does not guarantee that investors will experience comparable returns. Please consult the current version of the applicable Beacon Trust documents for further information regarding these potential risks. Using borrowed money to finance the purchase of securities involves greater risk than a purchase using cash resources only.  In order to be eligible for subscription in a Beacon Trust offering, individuals must satisfy the criteria required for suitability mandated by the appropriate securities laws in their jurisdiction of residence. Please contact [email protected] for more information.